Interested in helping?
ACT serves our community because people like you make it possible. Learn more about getting involved below or reach out to our team directly.

Medical Students & Residents

We invite medical students and residents interested in rotating on ACT for 2-4 weeks to set up a rotation via your department. Please contact us for support.

Community Partners

Our work wouldn’t be possible without positive relationships we’ve nurtured with community organizations supporting our patients once they leave the hospital. We’re open to collaborating and invite you to reach out if you believe a partnership could better serve the community.

Faculty & Staff

If you have any questions, comments, feedback, ideas, or concerns about our work, please reach out over email.


Financial contributions to ACT’s services empowers us to build a sustainable program and enables us to combine compassionate and patient-centered care, with evidence-based interventions that support our patients. You make ACT’s impact possible today, tomorrow, and for many years to come.

